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Manufacturer of the WARICUT 2D & 3D waterjet cutting machines!

Ger­man qua­li­ty pro­duct! 3 years war­ran­ty! Con­s­truc­tion – Manu­fac­tu­ring – Ser­vice – Ever­y­thing from one source!

Welcome to the company
H.G. RIDDER Automatisierungs-GmbH!

The com­pa­ny H.G. RIDDER Auto­ma­ti­sie­rungs-GmbH has been manu­fac­tu­ring high-qua­li­ty WARICUT water­jet cut­ting sys­tems sin­ce 1991 and is thus one of the first sys­tem pro­vi­ders on the Ger­man mar­ket for water­jet cut­ting machi­nes!

This spe­cial field deve­lo­ped from our busi­ness field, which has been acti­ve sin­ce 1980, the auto­ma­ti­on and over­haul of machi­ne tools and the con­s­truc­tion of spe­cial pur­po­se machi­nes. Our cus­to­mers world­wi­de bene­fit from this wealth of expe­ri­ence!

We are active in the following business areas for you:

water jet cutting systems

Sin­ce 1991 we are pro­du­cing our WARICUT water­jet cut­ting sys­tems. From stan­dard to spe­cial pur­po­se sys­tems – always cus­to­mer-ori­en­ted! Our pro­ducts are mark­ed by qua­li­ty, pre­cis­i­on and lon­ge­vi­ty!

New Dimensions

WARICUT 2D & 3D Hochportalanlagen

Pro­ces­sing of lar­ge parts – from tank to air­craft con­s­truc­tion! The big­gest machi­ne so far with two bridges – each with one 3D cut­ting head axis Cut­ting volu­me: X 32050 / Y 5050 / Z 1900 (mm) !

WARICUT micro-max
water jet micro cutting

Waricut Micro Max Wasserstrahlschneidanlage

Pre­cis­i­on machi­ne for cut­ting of micro and macro parts. High­ly filigreed con­tours, finest sur­faces! Nozz­le dia­me­ter down tp 0.2 mm.

Automation technology /
Machine overhauls

Retrofit Maschinenüberholung

Bene­fit from our know­ledge and expe­ri­ence of our high­ly skil­led employees from over 30 years of retro­fit­ting machi­ne tools and con­trol con­s­truc­tion!

Special machines /
system building

Waricut Sondermaschinenbau

Con­s­truc­tion and buil­ding of spe­cial pur­po­se machi­nery accor­ding to cus­to­mers’ request. High pres­su­re clea­ning sys­tems, machi­ning cen­ters, inte­gra­ti­on in pro­duc­tion lines, etc.

Customer service /
Spare parts


From ori­gnal spa­re parts for your WARICUT sys­tem up to an exten­si­ve machi­ne main­ten­an­ce with laser and geo­me­try mea­su­re­ment.


  • Laser mea­su­re­ment of machi­ne tools
  • Mecha­ni­cal machi­ning

  • Instal­la­ti­ons (elec­tri­cal / mecha­ni­cal)
  • Machi­ne tools / sys­tems ser­vice

WARICUT Waterjet cutting systems made in Germany by H.G. RIDDER – the professional solution!

Pre­cise, eco­fri­end­ly and sim­ply unbe­lie­va­ble. Indus­tri­al high pres­su­re water­jet cut­ter are cut­ting mas­si­ve steel parts like thin paper. This appli­es also for extre­me­ly hea­vy fire doors. WARICUT is the regis­tered trade­mark of the world­wi­de estab­lished cut­ting tech­no­lo­gy in the ran­ge of water­jet cut­ting sys­tems. It is an eco­fri­end­ly, cold and high-pre­cis­i­on tech­no­lo­gy – wher­eby almost all mate­ri­als can be cut wit­hout heat gene­ra­ti­on, defor­ma­ti­on and only few burr. Pro­ces­sing of various thic­k­nes­ses in 2D or 3D is also pos­si­ble. The com­pa­ny H. G. RIDDER Auto­ma­ti­sie­rungs-GmbH is a reco­gni­zed spe­cia­list in the field of water­jet cut­ting with WARICUT machi­nes.

First Class Service: WARICUT systems, upon customer’s special request

Do you have spe­cial requi­re­ments? RIDDER‘s manu­fac­tu­ring of spe­cial pur­po­se machi­nes makes it pos­si­ble.

Com­pa­ny H.G. RIDDER offers its cus­to­mers an incre­di­ble ser­vice: each WARI­CUT-water­jet cut­ting machi­ne can be con­s­truc­ted indi­vi­du­al­ly accor­ding to cus­to­mer request – as a sin­gle sys­tem, mul­ti-head sys­tem with 2D or 3D or a com­bi­na­ti­on of both types.

Due to the most modern high-pres­su­re pumps a pres­su­re up to 6000 bar can be pro­du­ced for a powerful high-pres­su­re water jet.

Fur­ther­mo­re the­re are many other equip­ment pos­si­bi­li­ties for water­jet cut­ting machi­nes available and also the auto­ma­ti­on lets its own idea a maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty. But com­pa­ny RIDDER not only pro­du­ces machi­nes to cus­to­mer request, a pro­fes­sio­nal retro­fit of machi­ne tools belongs to a sub­ject field of the com­pa­ny.

Pure water cutting technology and abrasive cutting technology

The future lies in water­jet cut­ting and mate­ri­al pro­ces­sing. A distinc­tion has to be made bet­ween two tech­no­lo­gies. The pure water cut and the abra­si­ve cut. As the name alre­a­dy sug­gests the pure water jet cuts only with clear water while abra­si­ve cut­ting feeds an abra­si­ve medi­um insi­de a mixing cham­ber to the cut­ting head. It is a fine-grain abra­si­ve. Pure water cut­ting is sui­ta­ble for the fol­lo­wing mate­ri­als: pla­s­tics, foil slide, food, rub­ber, tex­ti­les, lea­ther, wood, lami­na­te, foam pla­s­tic, paper­board and paper. And the abra­si­ve cut­ting tech­no­lo­gy is used for the fol­lo­wing mate­ri­als: stain­less steel, steel, hastel­loy, har­dox, tita­ni­um, alu­mi­num, non­fer­rous hea­vy metal, pla­s­tics, natu­ral stone, flag­s­to­nes, glass, acrylic, com­po­si­tes. Water­jet Sys­tems or Water­cut Sys­tems makes a small kerf width pos­si­ble – and not at least water­jet cut­ting does not include fur­ther mate­ri­al cos­ts.

Micro waterjet cutting for the highest precision

Due to the Fine Cut Water­jet pro­ce­du­re very pre­cise cuts with very small kerf widths can be car­ri­ed out. The com­pa­ny RIDDER offers the indus­try – with its manu­fac­tu­ring of spe­cial pur­po­se machi­nes and auto­ma­ti­on – excel­lent solu­ti­ons for micro cut­ting and fine water­jet machi­nes. A fine-cut water­jet machi­ne works with a cut­ting jet with a very small dia­me­ter. The­r­e­fo­re, fine cut­ting enters a new dimen­si­on and fur­ther appli­ca­ti­on fields in which indus­try-stan­dard water­jet cut­ting sys­tems did not have appli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties.