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WARICUT highlights

Below are the essen­ti­al details of the stan­dard basic equip­ment of every abra­si­ve water­jet cut­ting sys­tem from H.G. RIDDER

In addi­ti­on, some of the most important opti­ons are lis­ted with which our sys­tems can be indi­vi­du­al­ly exten­ded.

If you requi­re fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se cont­act us.


WARICUT® Standard version

  • Machi­ne frame and basin basi­cal­ly sepa­ra­te
  • Bridge always in gan­try con­s­truc­tion, no can­ti­le­ver
  • all machi­ne frame and bridge com­pon­ents are wel­ded, annea­led, mil­led, ground and scraped (steel)
  • Pre­pared for later con­ver­si­on or retro­fit­ting to 3D cut­ting
  • Sta­ble cut­ting basin made of stain­less steel with sur­roun­ding metal splash guard (Under­wa­ter cut­ting has been pos­si­ble with every sys­tem sin­ce 1990). Each cut­ting basin also has easy-to-dis­as­sem­ble front and rear bulk­head pla­tes for cut­ting extra-long com­pon­ents. M12 threa­ded bus­hes all around for clam­ping of fix­tures and stops.
  • Cut­ting basin pre­pared for the con­nec­tion of a WARICUT ® – des­lud­ging plant (pic­tu­re 1)
  • Cut­ting basin pre­pared for retro­fit­ting CNC pipe cut­ting
  • CNC con­trol SIEMENS SINUMERIK 840D sl (PCU com­pu­ter with SSD hard disk)
  • Mova­ble con­trol panel (with Sie­mens con­trol panel, machi­ne con­trol panel, hand wheel etc.)
  • Cen­tral con­trol of all com­pon­ents via the WARICUT ®- Expert Sys­tem, the com­for­ta­ble user inter­face for water­jet cut­ting from RIDDER – incl. cut­ting para­me­ters – cal­cu­la­ti­on, job list, cut­ting cycles, con­trol of print and abra­si­ve quan­ti­ty, etc,
  • Tele­ser­vice (ISDN) and net­work stan­dard
  • All axes CNC con­trol­led, Digi­tal three-pha­se motors, Gan­try dri­ves
  • High-pre­cis­i­on ball screws and line­ar gui­des
  • Ful­ly auto­ma­tic and con­ven­tio­nal cut­ting ope­ra­ti­on
  • Dif­fe­ren­ti­al cut­ting head gui­de
  • Abra­si­ve silo 2 tons
  • Ful­ly auto­ma­tic abra­si­ve dosing (sin­ce 1990 with every sys­tem!) incl.  humi­di­ty sen­sor
  • Ali­gnable 2D cut­ting head with ang­le adjus­t­ment +/- 45
  • Abra­si­ve cut­ting head – Moni­to­ring
  • Pure water cut­ting head included
  • Infi­ni­te­ly pro­gramma­ble cut­ting pres­su­re adjus­t­ment via pro­por­tio­nal val­ve tech­no­lo­gy incl. elec­tro­nic high-pres­su­re actu­al value recor­ding
  • Ful­ly auto­ma­tic cen­tral lubri­ca­ti­on incl. moni­to­ring
  • Light bar­ri­er safe­ty device
  • All high pres­su­re tubes made of spe­cial and dura­ble HP160
  • Com­pres­sed air and water pis­tol on the machi­ne frame
  • Tools for machi­ne and pump inclu­ding water and abra­si­ve nozz­les

und much more…

Pic­tu­re 1: Des­lud­ging plant
spezielle Tischauflagen für Reinwasserschneiden
Pic­tu­re 2: spe­cial table sup­ports for pure water cut­ting
automatische Be- und Entladesyssteme
Pic­tu­re 3: auto­ma­tic loa­ding and unloa­ding sys­tems
pneumatische oder elektrische Hochleistungs-Bohrachsen inkl. Kühlwasser
Pic­tu­re 4: pneu­ma­tic or elec­tric high-per­for­mance dril­ling axes incl. coo­ling water

WARICUT® System options

(also for later retro­fit­ting by the cus­to­mer)

  • addi­tio­nal 2D and/or 3D cut­ting axes
  • 3D mea­su­ring axis for auto­ma­tic com­po­nent mea­su­re­ment
  • CNC pipe cut­ting axis
  • 4000 or 6000 bar cut­ting tech­no­lo­gy for 2D and 3D
  • Micro-cut­ting (pos­si­ble on every WARICUT ® – water­jet sys­tem by means of an upgrade kit)
  • spe­cial table sup­ports for abra­si­ve cut­ting
  • ful­ly auto­ma­tic WARICUT ® – des­lud­ging plants (pic­tu­re 1) – pro­ven for over 20 years
  • spe­cial table sup­ports for pure water cut­ting (pic­tu­re 2)
  • Sli­ding and shut­tle table sys­tems
  • Cat­cher sys­tems / Suc­tion sys­tems
  • manu­al and auto­ma­tic clam­ping sys­tems
  • auto­ma­tic loa­ding and unloa­ding sys­tems (pic­tu­re 3)
  • exten­si­ve fil­ter tech­no­lo­gy for pure water and abra­si­ve cut­ting sys­tems (also fil­tra­ti­on of hea­vy metals)
  • Hand­held ter­mi­nals
  • pneu­ma­tic or elec­tric high-per­for­mance dril­ling axes incl. coo­ling water (Fig. 4)
  • auto­ma­tic and com­for­ta­ble height scan­ning
  • elec­tro­nic col­li­si­on sen­sors
  • Ali­gnment laser
  • ful­ly auto­ma­tic abra­si­ve silo pre­sel­ec­tion for the use of dif­fe­rent grit sizes
  • 3D CAM sys­tems for com­plex cut­ting tasks in space
  • 3D mea­su­ring pro­be incl., mea­su­ring soft­ware
  • 3D Tea­ching Soft­ware
  • spe­cial ope­ra­ting soft­ware for sam­ple pro­duc­tion (ten­si­le samples etc.)
  • exten­si­ve BDE soft­ware
  • exten­si­ve PPS con­nec­tions
  • Crea­ti­on of spe­cial postpro­ces­sors
  • Pump syn­chro­ni­sa­ti­on con­trols
  • Spe­cial requests are always pos­si­ble – from the use of spe­cial elec­tri­cal com­pon­ents accor­ding to the customer’s stan­dard to indi­vi­du­al pain­ting

and much more…