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WARICUT HWPV water jet cutting

With the WARICUT® HWP, you have a water jet cut­ting sys­tem that can “grow” with its tasks. You can gra­du­al­ly extend the machi­ne as nee­ded in the X‑direction up to 50 met­res.

The cut­ting basin can also be desi­gned as mova­ble in case lar­ge parts have to be machi­ned. For exam­p­le, you can machi­ne tubes up to a dia­me­ter of 4 met­res.

The fol­lo­wing also appli­es to the WARICUT® HWP: Every machi­ne is indi­vi­du­al­ly desi­gned accor­ding to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments as a sin­gle or mul­ti­ple head sys­tem in 2D or 3D (or a com­bi­na­ti­on). The­re is, of cour­se, also a choice of inte­res­t­ing addi­tio­nal equip­ment options.Due to the modu­lar design of our sys­tems, every optio­nal func­tion pro­vi­ded by H.G. Rid­der GmbH can be retro­fit­ted at any time.

Would you like some advice? We are plea­sed to make you an offer for the machi­ne of your choice.

The machi­ne type HWP is available in the fol­lo­wing sizes:

X (mm)Y (mm) 1Y (mm) 2Y (mm) 3

X (mm)

Y (mm)

15502050 *
30503050 *4050 *5050 *
60503050 *4050 *5050 *
90503050 *4050 *5050 *

X‑axes with exten­si­on modu­les
a) 3.000 mm lenght
b) 6.000 mm lenght
Maxi­mum lenght 50.000 mm

* Dou­ble arbour cross bar

Machi­ne dimen­si­ons (HWPV)

Posi­ti­on devia­ti­on PA

<± 0,050 mm (x‑Axis < 6.000 mm)
<± 0,150 mm (x‑Axis > 6.000 mm)

Avera­ge posi­ti­on spread PS

<± 0,030 mm (x‑Axis < 6.000 mm)
<± 0,100 mm (x‑Axis > 6.000 mm)

Stro­ke cut­ting head axis (Z)

800 / 1200 mm (2D/3D)
1200 / 1550 mm (2D/3D)
1550 / 1900 mm (2D/3D)

Accor­ding to VDI/DGQ3441, the posi­ti­on devia­ti­on con­ta­ins sys­te­ma­tic errors (e.g. geo­me­try errors), while the avera­ge posi­ti­on scat­ter band only records ran­dom errors. The infor­ma­ti­on rela­tes to a mea­su­ring length of 1 met­re (RT=20°+1°C)