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Waricam software

In addi­ti­on to our WARICUT® water jet cut­ting sys­tems, we also sup­p­ly our “WARICAM” CAD/CAM soft­ware as an opti­on. WARICAM is available in various ver­si­ons, from the Stan­dard to the Pro­fes­sio­nal ver­si­on.

In order to offer our cus­to­mers as much com­fort as pos­si­ble, our WARICAM pro­gramming sys­tem has been deli­ver­ed for years only as a pro­fes­sio­nal ver­si­on (full expan­si­on stage). Only a few func­tions such as the bevel modu­le for 3D sys­tems and the label modu­le are excluded.

Spe­cial func­tions, PPS-con­nec­tions and various postpro­ces­sors (water jet, laser, plas­ma, oxy­fuel cut­ting sys­tems) can be pro­grammed by us after con­sul­ta­ti­on.

WARICAM is an effec­ti­ve net­work-com­pa­ti­ble NC pro­gramming sys­tem with design (CAD) and sin­gle-part tech­no­lo­gy (CAM), with manu­al and ful­ly auto­ma­tic real con­tour nes­t­ing, eco­no­my cut nes­t­ing, admi­nis­tra­ti­on for orders, parts, sheets, plans and NC codes, for the pro­duc­tion of sin­gle parts, small and lar­ge series, tube cut­ting. Inter­faces are:

e.g. dxf, dwg, igs (fur­ther inter­faces on request)

The func­tion­al scope of the soft­ware is deter­mi­ned accor­ding to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. If you would like to know more about the exten­si­ve WARICAM func­tion­a­li­ty, we will be hap­py to send you fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on.

WARICAM Oberfläche „Konstruktion“
WARICAM “design” screen
WARICAM Oberfläche „Manuelles Schachteln“
WARICAM “manu­al nes­t­ing” screen

WARICAM Konstruktion


WARICAM sur­face “Con­s­truc­tion” with CAD modu­le and various CAM func­tions, for exam­p­le the con­tour or ele­ment by ele­ment assign­ment of dif­fe­rent cut­ting con­di­ti­ons (qua­li­ties) or the assign­ment of flags, tap­ping and cut­ting con­di­ti­ons auto­ma­ti­cal­ly accor­ding to mate­ri­al and thic­k­ness and much more.

 WARICAM Manuelle und Automatische Schachtelung

WARICAM manual and automatic nesting

WARICAM sur­face manu­al nes­t­ing

In Manu­al Nes­t­ing, indi­vi­du­al parts can be pla­ced on a sel­ec­ted sheet in the draw or bump mode with col­li­si­on con­trol and pro­ces­sing sequence.

In addi­ti­on, the user has the Con­tour Nes­t­ing func­tion available, with which sel­ec­ted parts can also be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly nes­ted on the dis­play­ed sheet in Manu­al Nes­t­ing.

Other available WARICAM functions:

  • WARICAM bevel modu­le: simp­le design of bevel parts for 3D Wari­cut machi­nes
  • WARICAM Pro­fes­sio­nal 3: CAM modu­le for com­plex cut­ting tasks in 3D