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Sludge removal system

The cut­ting water con­ta­mi­na­ted with abra­si­ve and car­ved mate­ri­al initi­al­ly goes into the cut­ting basin of the sys­tem. In order to coun­ter sett­ling of the solids in this con­tai­ner, the water is con­stant­ly recir­cu­la­ted. The sepa­ra­ti­on of the solids from the water is done after­wards with exter­nal modu­les. The solids are coll­ec­ted in Big Bags of 1,200 lit­res each.

Entschlammungsanlage für Maschinengrößen bis 4.000 x 2.000 mm
Sludge rem­oval sys­tem for machi­ne sizes up to 4,000 x 2,000 mm

Entschlammungsanlage für Maschinengrößen bis 8.000 x 4.000 mm
Sludge rem­oval sys­tem for machi­ne sizes up to 8,000 x 4,000 mm